Central Texas Community Foundation provides you with a simple, powerful, and highly personal approach to giving. We offer a variety of giving tools to help people achieve their charitable goals. You can make a gift of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets to your community foundation.
Most charitable gifts qualify for maximum tax advantage under federal law. Each donor has a unique giving experience, tailored to suit his or her situation and goals.
To create a fund at the Central Texas Community Foundation, Email us

Ways to give
You make a gift to your community foundation. You can give cash, appreciated stocks, real estate, or other assets.
We set up a special fund in your name, in the name of your family or business, or in honor of any person or organization you choose. You receive tax benefits in the year your gift is made.
Based on the type of fund you establish, you may be able to stay involved in the good works your gift makes possible. You can recommend an area or organization you’d like your gift to support, or rely on the community foundation’s experienced program staff to determine and address the areas of greatest need in our community.
Our board issues grants in the name of the fund you establish (if you prefer, grants can be made anonymously). We handle the administrative details.
Your gift can be placed into an endowment that is invested over time. Earnings from your fund are used to make grants addressing community needs. Your gift—and all future earnings from your gift—is a permanent source of community capital, helping do good work forever.
Giving Circles
A giving circle is a form of participatory philanthropy where groups of individuals donate their own money or time to a pooled fund, decide together where to give these away to charity or community
Giving Funds
When you give, you want your charitable donations to be as effective as possible. Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States because they are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to charity.